Jan 24, 2009

Create a Voucher Type

Create a new voucher type

Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info. > Voucher Type > Create

Note: a new voucher type must assume the functions of a predefined voucher type

Give the name of the new voucher type, e.g., Bank Payment Voucher.

Type of Voucher
The type of voucher should be any one of the predefined voucher types (already listed in introduction). The new voucher type would inherit the properties of this predefined voucher type. It would function exactly like the predefined voucher.

An abbreviation is required particularly for unformatted reports, which do not use compressing techniques. (Tally allows printing of both formatted and unformatted reports). In this example, give 'BPymt' as the abbreviation. Though there is no restriction on the length of the abbreviation, it should preferably be five characters or less.

Method of Voucher Numbering
This is, perhaps, one reason for your opting for a new voucher type. There are three methods available:

Automatic - instructs Tally to number the vouchers of this type incrementing automatically.

Manual - if you wish to number the vouchers yourself.

None - if you do not want any voucher numbers for vouchers of this type.

Advanced Usage

A further discussion on these options is necessary:

This will disable numbering of such vouchers. If you select this method, no further information is required.

This method will allow you to number vouchers of this type yourself. It does not check for sequence of the numbers and permits you to specify anything you wish in the voucher number field. However, you may choose to prevent entry of duplicate numbers. If you do, enable the next field 'Prevent Duplicates'.

Prevention of Duplicates is possible if you enable the option at the time of creation. You may enable it later (by alteration) only if there are no transactions of this voucher type.

If you face difficulty because transactions now exist, simply create another voucher type for preventing duplicates of subsequent voucher numbers.

No further information is required for manual numbering method.

This method is both flexible and exhaustive. Use it carefully to give you your desired numbering system. Select this option to let Tally number the vouchers automatically for you. You must give the following additional information:

Starting number
Give the number for the first voucher. Usually it is 1. You can set it to any number you want. Tally will auto-increment from this number for subsequent vouchers. However, the numbering of vouchers also depends on other variables supplied by you, which follow hereafter.

Width of Numerical Part
You may leave it blank to let Tally automatically adjust the width according to the number. However, for more aesthetically aligned look in reports, you may keep a fixed width, e.g., 3.

Prefill with ZERO?
When the width is specified, the digits before the number is blank if 'No' and zeroes if 'Yes'.

E.g. 001 1

010 10



PEU/ 1/96-97

Use common narration?
Select Yes to give a common narration for the entire voucher. Tally vouchers can have multiple entries. Hence, you may wish to give a common narration for all the entries of the voucher or a separate narration for each entry or both. Select Yes even when you want both. Select No if you do not want a common narration.

Example of common narration in a voucher:

Select Yes if you want to give a separate narration for each entry of a voucher. This would be applicable for a multiple entry voucher where you want separate details for each entry. Select No if you do not want separate narration for each entry.

Example of separate narration for each entry: -

Print after saving voucher?
If you want to print every voucher after entering it, select Yes, else select No. This is suitable for an online environment where you use the Tally printed voucher as the formal voucher. Remember, however, that the

transaction is already recorded and posted and should you wish to make corrections to the printed voucher, you must alter the Tally voucher online and print it out again.

Use EFFECTIVE dates for vouchers?
Select Yes if you want to enter effective dates for vouchers. You would opt for this if you have instances where a transaction under consideration for overdue/ageing analysis is recorded currently but will take effect from another date. If effective date is entered, the overdue/ageing will be considered from the effective date and not from voucher date.

Restart Numbering
Voucher Numbering may be restarted with the starting number (as specified) at intervals selected by you - Monthly, Yearly or Never. You must give the date whence numbering should restart under the field Applicable from. The date must be the first day of the month. You may specify more than one Restart dates. For example, should you wish to renumber your vouchers from 01 June 96 on yearly basis, you must specify it in the next field. This would retain the numbering system in the prior period. If, however, you want to change the numbers from the beginning from monthly to yearly basis, simply alter the first field itself.

Prefix Details
If you want the voucher numbers to be prefixed with some fixed information, give the information here. Examples of prefix details are:

month of the voucher as given above- 'April/'

company info like 'TSPL/'

even fixed number series like '1000'

Note: The numeric portion begins immediately after the prefix information. Therefore, be sure to give a space or a slash '/' or some such character should you want a separation, e.g. we have specified April/. The slash would cause the voucher number to appear as April/001, otherwise it would be April001. This facilitates simple usage for fixed number series appearing as 200100001 where 2001 is the prefix, and 00001 is the starting number with a width of 5, and with leading zeros.

You can choose different prefix information for different periods or let one continue. The prefix continues from the date you mention under 'Applicable from' till the next date that you may give under 'Applicable from'. Hence, we have chosen to change the prefix from April to May when the month changes. Please note, however, that if we omit to change the prefix for the subsequent months (i.e. do not give 'Applicable from' date for the month), your voucher numbers for even June, July etc would contain the prefix 'May/'.

Suffix Details
You can also give fixed suffix information for the voucher number. The same rules and effects as for Prefix Details apply.

How to Manage and Operate Voucher Types?

Tally acknowledges the special requirements of some users for more voucher types. These arise in cases like when you need the same voucher but in different names or separate series of numbers.

Examples include Cash Payment Vouchers and Bank Payment vouchers where the relevant predefined voucher is Payment Voucher. You may have two or more sets of Sales Vouchers for different kinds of sales transactions e.g. Credit Sales, Cash Sales, etc.

You would need to alter a voucher type to change default settings for different information appearing in vouchers. Using [F12] can further configure a voucher.

Alter a predefined voucher type
Even if you do not need extra voucher types, you would normally alter the predefined voucher types to customize them according to your needs, e.g., to control their numbers.

Display or alter each voucher type (by pressing or double clicking) after Gateway of Tally > Display > List of Accounts > + [Voucher Types]

We shall create a new voucher type to explain the different features. It would also be applicable to alteration of voucher types including predefined types.


Create a Voucher Type

Voucher types

Accounts Information - Voucher Types - Introduction

A voucher is the primary online document for recording transactions. Transaction recording and analysis are greatly facilitated by having specific formats for different types of transactions. Tally provides 16 different predefined voucher formats or what it calls predefined types of vouchers. These are used for recording various transactions. A payment voucher is used for all types of payments, a receipt voucher for all types of money receipts, a sales voucher for recording sales transactions, and so on.

These predefined vouchers fulfil your normal transaction needs. They pertain to both accounting and inventory. Some of these vouchers can also be used differently according to the situation, e.g., sales vouchers can be used as invoices, vouchers can be post-dated, etc. Such use can be decided at the time of voucher entry by selecting the appropriate button.

The predefined voucher types can be displayed as follows:

Gateway of Tally > Inventory info > Voucher Types > Display

Creation of stock item

Creating a Stock Item >

Gateway of Tally > Inventory Info > Stock Item > Single Create


Give the name of the stock item. Here we wish to create an item DVD RW 4.5 GB sony make


This is for alternative names of stock items.


Specify the group to which it belongs. The different that we had created is Computer accessories .

Use Alt+C to create a parent if you do not have the item you want in the list.


Give the unit of measurement of the item here. You would normally use this unit for trading in this item. Select Nos from the popup list. Please refer to the section 'Unit of measure' for explanation of units. As usual, use [alt]+[C] to create a new unit.

Advanced Users and administrators

The unit 'Packs of 10 Pcs' is a compound unit. Tally has the concept of simple and compound units. To create a compound unit, you would first create its components as simple units and then give their relation. In this case, 'Nos' and packs were created as simple units. Then a compound unit 'Packs of 10 Nos' was created separately. While creating a compound unit, if the cursor goes straight to the field 'Symbol' and you find the field 'Type' stating 'Simple', backspace to the 'Type' field to select 'Compound'.

Rate of VAT (Sales Tax/ Duty) (e.g. 12.5 or 4)

Give the rate of tax applicable for the item. The rate specified here would be picked up when invoicing, if you selected the method of calculation as Tax Based on Item Rate for your relevant accounting ledger account. Typically, this accounting ledger account would be 'VAT Account' under the Group Duties & Taxes. In such cases, the VAT or duty in invoice entry will be automatically calculated.

Opening Balance

If you already have stock of this item at the time of creating its account in Tally, give its balance particulars, i.e., quantity, rate, unit and amount.

Stock group And Stock Item creation

To create new stock group go to Gate way of tally ----> Invetry info ----> stock group ---> create
you will see above screen,
Enter stock group name
Can be quantities of items added give YES
Then Accept

Your stock group created.

Now we will create Unit of measure
To create new Unit of Measure go to Gate way of tally ----> Invetry info ---->units ----> create
you will see below screen,

Ledgers under which group?

It is very important while creating ledgers where ledgers to be placed under which group, The following are the common ledgers under the specified groups

1 Sales accounts group Sale @ 4% vat, Sale @ 12.5 %, sale @ 1% etc
2 Purchase accounts group purchase @ 4% vat, sale @12.5%, Sale @ 1% etc
3 Duties & tax account group Input tax @ 4%, output tax @4%, Input/ouput tax @12.5%
4 Sundry debtors group All clients accounts like Abc industries, Industrial traders etc.
5 Sundry creditors group All supplier accounts like Xyz tools, Abc Enterprises Etc.
6 Expenses group Telephone, Petrol, Rent, transport Etc.
7 Bank accounts group SBI, ICICI Bank, Axis Bank, City bank Etc.

If you opted for Tally for accounts only than it is ok, If you opted for Tally Accounts & Inventry than you have create
1 Stock group
2 stock categories
3 Stock items
4 Unit of measure
and modify voucher type as per your requirements.